The Experience Begins
The Healdsburg Wine & Food Experience begins on Thursday, May 16, with the Welcome Celebration at Montage Healdsburg, 6-8pm. Other events include special lunches, a blues concert with Christone “Kingfish” Ingram on Friday at Rodney Strong Vineyards, the popular Vintners Plaza Grand Tasting on Saturday and more. Details at healdsburgwineandfood.com.
Barrel Room
Junk in the Truck plays the Barrel Room at Hudson St. Wineries on Friday, May 17. This is the last month of music at this wine collective, soon to be under new ownership. Next week: The Remedies. From 5-8pm, $5 cover; food from Fogbelt available. 428 Hudson St., at Front Street.
‘Is That Yours?’
Dead Man’s Cell Phone continues its run at the Raven Performing Arts Theater with performances Thursday, May 16, through Sunday, May 26. It’s a Sarah Ruhl play about how we memorialize the dead. Reviewed this issue. Curtain 7:30pm, 115 North St., tickets at raventheater.org.
Farmers’ Market
The Saturday Healdsburg Farmers’ Market this week only, May 18, will take place at the Healdsburg Plaza, from 8:30am to noon, due to the Healdsburg Wine & Food Experience Grand Tasting, which begins at 12:30pm and goes until 5pm.
Harp Tones
The Pacific Coast Blues Band brings harmonica-centric blues and West Coast swing to Furthermore Wines on Saturday, May 18. From 5-8pm, no cover, 328A Healdsburg Ave.
Spirit Jazz
The George Hester Quartet, with Don Olivet on saxophone, Pierre Archain on bass and Carlos Almeida on drums, plays standards and originals on Saturday, May 18, at the Spirit Bar, in the lobby of the Hotel Healdsburg from 6-9pm, 25 Matheson St.
Elephant Music
John Courage Trio will bring rock ’n’ roll music to the Elephant in the Room on Friday night, May 17, at 8pm. Tuesday the Bossa Funka Nova trio plays, and more music is scheduled all month long at 177 Healdsburg Ave. Usually $10. Elephantintheroompub.com.
Safety Expo
Head up to Cloverdale on Sunday, May 19, for the county’s Fire and Earthquake Safety Expo. Emergency simulations and demonstrations, experts and exhibits, obstacle courses and tours of the Sheriff’s Office Henry 1 rescue helicopter, and more. At the Citrus Fairgrounds, from 10am to 3pm, free. (Note: The Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management will be holding an evacuation exercise on Sunday, May 19, for the Cloverdale area, from 9-11am.)
Something a little different at Second Story on Monday, May 20, from 10-11am: a sing-along event tailored for young kids, with “Farmer” Arann Harris. Adults are welcome to join in the fun. Dad Country continues on Thursdays, with Aoife O’Donovan and Hawktail on May 23. Upstairs at Little Saint, 25 North St.
Council Meeting
Healdsburg’s City Council meets on Monday, May 20, to hear public comment and discussion on the 2024-25 budget. Meeting begins at 5pm, at City Council Chambers at 401 Grove St.
Tuesday Market
The Tuesday morning Healdsburg Farmers’ Market continues on May 21 in the Healdsburg Plaza with produce, flowers, cheese, baked goods, packaged and prepared on-site foods, and handmade crafts. 9am to 12:30pm, Tuesdays until Aug. 13.
FFA Parade
Healdsburg’s popular Twilight Parade rolls through town on Thursday, May 23, to kick off the annual Future Farmers Country Fair. Parade from 6-8pm, primarily on Center, Piper and Fitch streets. The Fair begins at 6pm on Thursday, 9am on Friday and Saturday, and stays open until 10:30pm.
Post events on the Tribune’s online calendar at healdsburgtribune.com/calendar and send special announcements to ed****@he***************.com.