Snapshot: Seasonal Spirit in the Movies
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year—grateful for our blessings lest we take what we have for granted rather than count them each day. Here's some holiday movies that always make for a seasonal uplift.
Letters to the Editor, Dec. 26
The City Council’s informal decision on Dec. 16 to adopt a five-district, selected mayor format for city government in the redistricting process drew immediate reactions from several community members, who felt the decision was made unnecessarily quickly and short-circuited public discussion of the options. Here are a few of their comments:
Flashbacks: Week of Dec. 26 in Healdsburg History
Forty sacks of parcel mail, all tightly packed, received Monday at the local post office, forms the record Christmas mail ever received in Healdsburg, according to Postmaster Pearson in a story from the Healdsburg Tribune 100 years ago this week...
Snapshot: Julia Child and Holiday Cookies
Julia Child was 6 feet 2 inches tall. During World War II, she joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), precursor to the CIA. She worked directly for General William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan in top-secret research and records. In the OSS, she created a shark repellent from kitchen ingredients to deter unintended detonations of undersea mines. She later became a chef.
Flashbacks: Dec. 12 in Healdsburg History
100 years ago
December 11, 1924
A journey to the various stores in Healdsburg shows a very complete line of all kinds of articles which are suitable for Christmas presents. The merchants of this city report Christmas buying in full swing....
Flashbacks: Nov. 28
How much has Fitch Mountain grown in the last twenty-odd years? If some old timer can tell us that, we’ll have the correct measurement of the little mound that overlooks Healdsburg like a somnabulent sentinel.
Snapshot: Waiting for the Holidays
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the U.S., and on the second Monday of October in Canada. In the U.S., the date of Thanksgiving varied by state until it was proclaimed a federal holiday on the last Thursday of November by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
Leaky Roof Doesn’t Dampen Services
The building modernization project continues at the Healdsburg Regional Library on Piper Street. A recent walkthrough revealed that the contractors have been hard at work, with upgraded electrical and plumbing, demolition of existing restrooms, and new construction in the children’s and teen rooms underway. Meanwhile, programs continue...
Snapshot: Fire Season Is Over
Fire season is over at last. This week, we’re bracing for wind, waves, rain and snow at elevation. Meteorologists predict a “bomb cyclone” as this goes to press, with four days of continuous rain. Not 40 days, notes Pierre Ratte with causal ease - after all, he filed his latest Snapshot from a Baja beach!
Snapshot: Favorite Colors of Fall
New England has deciduous woods. Colorado has quaking aspens. And Sonoma County has its straw hills and live oaks framing red, yellow and green vineyards. Mixed together, it's home.