49.1 F
December 7, 2024

We’ll Laugh About This Someday … Right? Gold wine country

A friend recently turned 50, which gave several of us gals a good reason to get together and celebrate her, friendship and birthdays. There was a limo, and wine tasting, and picnicking and lots and lots and lots of talking and reminiscing and laughing … and it was wonderful.

Cityscape: Looking at Measure V

Hello, and happy 2020. Every January, the city asks you how Measure V funds should be spent via an online and print survey.

SUSAN SWARTZ 8-18-2011

The working mother who squats in the field, gives birth, bundles

Country Roads: Grateful

Everyone I meet believes this year has flown by. True, we lost weeks immersed in a fire storm. But, even that doesn’t explain why the months seem shorter. Before the fires, the winter had morphed into summer and summer into what? Thanksgiving.

Letters to the Editor 8-6-15

We the people

Letters to the Editor 12-20-12

Dog House

Someday We’ll Laugh About This … Right? Wildlife

A few weeks ago I was sitting in my dining room, checking in with Matt (who was at work), when a movement outside the window caught my eye. I glanced up and saw a cat-like figure moving leisurely across the lawn and quickly realized it was not our cat, nor was it a cat at all. The creature was a fox!


We’ve finally figured out why our government never gets around to really doing anything, like fixing potholes, getting our mail delivered on time or helping to cure cancer. It’s because they are too busy making up new taxes and collecting the bills. The more taxes...


Apples dot the trees like a child’s drawing in second grade;

Letters to the Editor 4-7-16

General Plan Update