Cloverdale Police Department
The following are excerpted from Cloverdale Police Department daily log entries.
6:59 a.m. Suspicious vehicle occupied on Grape Gables Way for an older Acura with a subject sleeping in the vehicle. Moved along.
9:05 a.m. Suspicious person at business on North Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports subject sleeping back behind the new fence installed. There also appears to be damage to the fence line so they could make entry. Officer reports negative property damage, moved along.
9:51 a.m. Suspicious person on Levee Road and East First Street. Reporting party reports male in a hat and a short-sleeved shirt and jeans yelling at them in the area.
12:28 p.m. Shelter in place violation at business on North Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports subjects inside business are not wearing a mask. Officer reports all patrons, including children, wearing masks in the business.
1:13 p.m. Civil problem on South Foothill Boulevard. Reporting party reports residence at above address has garbage puling up and is causing a rodent issue.
3:31 p.m. Suspicious person on University Street. Reporting party reports he was just notified by ex-tenant that there are unknown subjects swimming in the pool at this address. Officer reports subject contacted and advised to leave property. Subjects are friends of the previous renters.
7:24 a.m. Suspicious person on North Cloverdale Boulevard and East First Street. Reporting party reports male with no shirt, thin build riding a bicycle and yelling at people passing by.
10:06 a.m. Shelter in place violation on Kings Circle. Reporting party reports subject at complex not wearing masks when walking around complex and to and from the laundry room. Advice provided.
10:25 a.m. Citizen assist. Subject requests assistance in shutting phone off remotely using Google account.
12:24 p.m. Agency assist. Reporting party reports theft of purse by male subject along the levee. Referred to Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.
3 p.m. Miscellaneous service on Timber Ridge Court. Reporting party requests advice regarding ongoing noise issue and loud music from address. Advice given.
3:53 p.m. Shelter in place violation on Del Webb Drive. Reporting party reports USPS deliverer not wearing mask or gloves. Officer contacted post master and advised of complaint.
4:07 p.m. Neighborhood dispute on Portofino Way. 911 reporting a tree limb fell off his neighbor’s tree into his backyard and almost struck him.
7:14 p.m. Suspicious person on North Cloverdale Boulevard. Female walking south on the boulevard, east side of the street. Reporting party believes she is checking out her property. Unable to locate.
8:10 p.m. Disturbance at business on North Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports his wife is in a verbal dispute with a female through the fence.
7:52 a.m. Suspicious person at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Caller reports subjects staying in bushes to the east of their store. Heard yelling earlier, now quiet. Officer reports unable to locate female living in bushes.
9:10 a.m. Neighborhood dispute. Reporting party requests to speak with officer regarding neighbor posting false information about him on social media.
12:20 p.m. Suspicious person at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Caller reports male who has possibly been drinking. Male in a brown jacket, black pants and noise ring is laying on the ground between business drive-thru. Officer reports gone on arrival.
12:53 p.m. Disturbance at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. 911 reports physical disturbance, female hitting male. Resolved.
1:43 p.m. Suspicious person at business on Redwood Highway. Two males and one female are in the parking lot harassing customers, would like them moved along.
3:06 p.m. Suspicious person on South Cloverdale Boulevard. A female subject called about an aggressive male subject in front of the store.
1:09 a.m. Assist highway patrol on South Cloverdale Boulevard and northbound South Cloverdale onramp. Reporting party reports a large garbage can in the middle of the northbound onramp.
1:25 a.m. Suspicious person at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports a male in a tan jacket took one of their mats and was laying down by their dumpsters, but as the reporting party was talking the male left and did not take the mat.
2:55 a.m. Suspicious person at business on Treadway Drive. Reporting party reports a male in a tan jacket and black pants is sleeping in front of the front door of this business blocking her from going to work. Warned and advised.
9 a.m. Suspicious person on South Cloverdale Boulevard and Del Webb Drive. Caller reports subject or subjects sleeping in a tent behind the wall on Del Webb Drive.
4:42 p.m. Citizen assist at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Caller requests officer assist in having customer leave the store due to her not wearing a mask. Reporting party called back to cancel, subject left the store.
7:56 p.m. Suspicious person on Commercial Street and West First Street. Reporting party reports a male with red brown hair wearing a black tank top walking southbound down Commercial Street yelling, hitting cars and garbage cans as he goes. Unable to locate.
8:39 p.m. Suspicious person at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports male wearing a light brown shirt, black pants and no shoes, possible has been drinking, laying down a t the side of the building.
9 p.m. Mentally ill on Josephine Drive. Reporting party from Willits called 911 reporting 25-year-old female with mental issues “freaking out” at this address.
9:54 p.m. Disturbance on East First Street. First reporting party reports argument under the First Street Bridge, can only hear it. Second reporting party took the phone from the first reporting party and was very agitated saying that it sounds like “he is killing her.” Checks OK.
10:26 p.m. Suspicious person at Cloverdale Pool on West First Street. Reporting party reports subject in all black yelling behind the Vets Building by the pool and looks like he might be trying to get into the pool area. Unable to locate.
9:58 a.m. Vandalism on South Foothill Boulevard. Caller reports vandalism to diesel tank in truck.
12:48 p.m. Domestic related incident on Moonlight Circle. Caller reports domestic incident, male is outside in a rental car and female is inside. Advised and resolved.
3:46 p.m. Prowler on Josephine Drive. Caller requests officer checks house, male and female, male wearing a black shirt and black hat and female with a white shirt and hair in a bun. Per mother’s request officers moved along daughter and male friend.
7:45 p.m. Juvenile problem at Washington School on South Washington Street. Officer received a report of juveniles on the roof. Gone on arrival.
7:56 p.m. Vandalism on Pepperwood Drive. Requests to speak to an officer regarding damaged solar lights.
8:20 p.m. Noise disturbance on Pepperwood Drive. Reporting party reports 15 to 20 juveniles, unsure if parents are home. Appears there may be some underage drinking. Officers contacted resident, all subjects are adults and celebrating a family birthday, music ot be turned down.
8:23 p.m. Music disturbance on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Two reporting parties report a large gathering or party occurring in the back parking lot of the apartments just north of the Citrus Fairgrounds. There is a band playing.
10:16 p.m. Music disturbance on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports a large gathering in the parking lot and the band started again. People are getting loud and continuing to get loud.
10:53 p.m. Music disturbance on Garden Circle. Reporting party reports the house four houses down with a large black van has a live band playing currently. Warned and advised.
11:40 p.m. Disturbance on Portofino Way. Multiple 911 calls reporting a fight with adults and possibly involving some juveniles. Person transported to county jail.
12:07 a.m. Music disturbance on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports the music at this address is back up again. Quiet on arrival.
1:29 a.m. Noise disturbance on Pepperwood Drive. Anonymous reports a group of people in the backyard talking loudly. Girl shrieking, per the reporting party it does not sound like a female in distress, just a group of people talking too loudly.
6:08 a.m. Disturbance at Cloverdale Cemetery. Reporting party reports hearing a female screaming for the last 10 minutes, possibly near the tunnel or in the cemetery.
9:26 a.m. Suspicious person on Healdsburg Avenue and South Franklin Street. Reporting party reports a male dressed in all black, wearing a long black cape carrying a seven-foot tall wooden stick, talking to himself. Officer reports out with subject, moved along.
10:19 a.m. Shelter in place violation on West Second Street. Reporting party reports church services being held at this location.
12:44 p.m. Suspicious circumstances at business on North Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports male yelling and cursing at him.