Students headed over to the Cloverdale Citrus Fairgrounds as part of ongoing work for Cloverdale’s Days of Service and Learning, an event that this year involved a series of municipal tours and volunteer opportunities in honor of César Chávez.
As part of the “service” aspect of the event, students went to the fair to help with resource and food distribution on March 29. 

“I started this to make sure that people get encouraged and feel good about celebrating their heritage and the accomplishments of Latinos in the U.S.,” said Cloverdale Vice Mayor Marta Cruz in an interview with the Reveille last week. 

For this year’s event, children of farmworkers who are members of La Familia Sana were asked to join in. 

La Familia Sana is a recently-formed local organization that helps provide health and wellness through education, support and advocacy to Latinx and Indigenous communities in northern Sonoma County.

“We wanted to make sure that children of farmworkers are understanding of the reality of agriculture and water and their impact on water,” Cruz said. Over the past few weeks, participants went on tours of Cloverdale’s water and wastewater plants. 

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