100 years ago – December 6, 1917
Likes Camp Lewis
Herbert Byers of Healdsburg, who is with the hospital corps at Fort Riley, Kansas, writes that the soldier boys are well cared for at that training camp, and he is pleased with the life. The men of the camp enjoy themselves in ball games with teams of the local community, and in other ways pass their spare time agreeably. Big trucks came into camp the day before Thanksgiving Day, loaded with bananas, apples, oranges, etc., as reinforcements for the bountiful Thanksgiving dinner scheduled for the day. Herbert is uncertain as to when he will be transferred, as men are constantly coming and going.
50 years ago – December 7, 1967
Laud district on use of TV in class
Schools of the Healdsburg Union Elementary District have been given recognition making use of special instructional television programs beamed out each school day by KQED (Channel 9). “The use of instructional TV by schools of the Healdsburg area has placed these schools in a leadership role in the use of this educational medium,” said Dr. Dave Wood, assistant director of Instructional Materials, Sonoma County Schools. This leadership was signalized recently when Mrs. Betty Ann Berkman, KQED’s instructional television field representative, presented a program for teachers in the auditorium of Healdsburg High School. Mrs. Berkman’s visit, programmed by Burl Estes, president of the Healdsburg Art Teachers’ Association, gave the area’s educators the inside story of the planning, development and production of ITV shows for the schoolroom, and also of those given for the in-service training of teachers. Wood gave a brief outline of the status and expected growth in the use of instructional television throughout the county.
25 years ago – December 2, 1992
Plaza as teen hangout: Is it a problem?
The Plaza is perhaps Healdsburg’s best-known landmark. It’s in the center of town, and was created as a place for people to congregate. Drive past the Plaza almost any afternoon, and you will probably see groups of young people sitting on the benches, skateboarding, fooling around and otherwise being kids in the Plaza. But not everyone is happy that Healdsburg teenagers have adopted the Plaza as their unofficial meeting place. The Healdsburg Police Department has heard complaints and concerns about young people in the Plaza. The kids claim that they are hanging around in the Plaza because there are no facilities or programs in Healdsburg which meet the needs of their age group. They admit that they might unnerve tourists and others at the Plaza with their skateboarding and other activities but contend that they are engaging in relatively healthy and harmless activities. “Build us a park to skate in and we’ll get out of the Plaza,” said one teen.