Old touring car
TOUR BUS Bruce’s Auto Stage, circa 1910, when driving tours to The Geysers were a local attraction. (Healdsburg Museum)

100 years ago – June 12, 1924

‘Scientist Leaves Geysers to View Kilauea Volcano’

Arthur L. Day, director of the Geographical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute, Washington, D.C., left here Friday for the volcano Kilauea, in the Island of Hawaii, after 10 days at The Geysers. Dr. Day, with Dr. Eugene T. Allen, has been conducting an exhaustive research at The Geysers, examining gas composition, soil, chemical nature of the ground, etc., in the interests of the Geographical Laboratory. Dr. Day will return from Hawaii in about a month to resume the research work at The Healdsburg Geysers.

The vast amount of equipment, including many odd types of instruments, is being kept at The Geysers, for it is planned to put in a year of research work there, extending the investigations to other parts of the state. Dr. Allen and John D. Grant will make a two weeks’ tour of Lake and Napa to investigate formations laying about The Geysers and having a hearing upon conditions at the northern Sonoma County wonder spot.

1950s gym
GYM PRACTICE St. John’s parochial school cheerleaders, 1958, go through their routines while the basketball team prepares for a game.

75 years ago – June 10, 1949

‘Catholic Church Confirms Purchase of Tribune Building for School’

Authorization to purchase the Tribune building, corner of Fitch and Tucker Streets, by the St. John’s Catholic Church was confirmed this week by the San Francisco Diocese. Present indications are the transaction will be consummated within the next few days. At the same time, the building committee of the local Catholic Church announced plans to establish a parochial school in the building now occupied by the Tribune, using St. John’s Auditorium as a supplementary school building.

Sale of the Tribune building by Robert and Ruben Carlson, co-publishers of the Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, will lead to the release of plans for the construction of a new newspaper building. It was not determined whether the new parochial school would be ready for occupancy by the beginning of the 1949 school year. 

One member of the St. John’s building committee opined the school could not possibly be ready until the end of the first term of the 1949-50 school year, or possibly the beginning of the 1950 school year. A preliminary poll conducted by the church showed enrollment at the new parochial school for the first year would be ample to conduct classes in all primary grades. Plans were still incomplete as to whether the school would embrace grades one to four, or one to six.

Instructors for the new parochial school will be Sisters from an Order of Teaching in the eastern part of the United States.

Old traffic intersection
PRE-ROUNDABOUT The stoplight at the corner of Mill Street and Healdsburg Avenue, installed in 1974, was replaced by the roundabout in the 21st century.

50 years ago – June 13, 1974

‘Here’s a Switch’

Traffic should flow more smoothly at the Healdsburg Avenue-Mill Street intersection since the new traffic signals began working this week. At least the poor souls caught trying to make a left turn from Mill Street will have a fighting chance now. 

The signals will allow traffic to flow north and south on Healdsburg Avenue as long as no cars approach from Mill Street. Left-turn lanes are provided on both streets. The city expects the brick laying in the traffic islands to be finished by the end of this week.

The Healdsburg Museum, 221 Matheson St., is usually open Wednesday through Sunday, 11am to 4pm. No admission, donations welcome.

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