Jennifer Foerster, a member of the Muscogee Creek nation, reads at The 222 on Oct. 9. (Photo by Richard Blue Cloud Castaneda)

The City Council made an honorary proclamation of California Native American Day at their Sept. 19 meeting, but the local culture scene is taking it further—recognizing three Indigenous poets over the next two months with readings and conversation from the stage at The 222. 

“Indigenous Voices” is a two-part literary program celebrating the works of acclaimed American poets, Jennifer Foerster and Lucille Lang Day. Hosting the evenings of conversation and readings will be Denise Low, the former poet laureate of Kansas and current Healdsburg resident. All three women have Indigenous heritage. 

The first event is Sunday, Oct. 9, at 7pm, featuring “ecopoet” Jennifer Foerster, a member of the Muscogee Creek nation. Foerster explores the language and culture of her heritage in her writings. Other themes include ecology, history and the human capacity for violence. As assistant to former U.S. poet laureate Joy Harjo, Foerster gained and will share unique insights into the workings of the poetry world.

On Nov. 12, the second event in the series will feature poet-activist and small press publisher Lucille Lang Day, of Wampanoag heritage. The founder and publisher of Scarlet Tanager Books, Day will discuss the workings of the book world and her experiences as a writer and small-press editor. 

Healdsburg’s Denise Low of Mammoth Publications, who is of European and Lenape/Munsee heritage, will emcee both events. (Photo by Stephan Anderson-Story)

Healdsburg’s Denise Low, of European and Lenape/Munsee heritage, will emcee both events. She is also a prize-winning poet and co-publisher with her husband of Mammoth Publications, which specializes in Indigenous American authors. 

The two readings are additions to The 222’s announced literary events for the coming year, programmed by Laurie Glover. “As many celebrate holidays at this time of year dedicated to the first European contacts and settlements in North America, we are going to hear directly from members of cultures whose lives were changed by those events,” she said. 

Indigenous Voices,’ two poetry readings at The 222, located in the Paul Mahder Gallery at 222 Healdsburg Ave. Details and ticket links at

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