By Sergio Olmos
Acres of orange groves sat unpicked in Kern County this week as word of Border Patrol raids circulated through Messenger chats and images of federal agents detaining laborers spread on local Facebook groups.
The Border Patrol conducted unannounced raids throughout Bakersfield on Tuesday, Jan. 7, descending on businesses where day laborers and field workers gather. Agents in unmarked SUVs rounded up people in vans outside a Home Depot and gas station that serves a breakfast popular with field workers.
This appears to be the first large-scale Border Patrol raid in California since the election of Donald Trump, coming just a day after Congress certified the election on Jan. 6, in the final days of Joe Biden’s presidency. The panic and confusion, for both immigrants and local businesses that rely on their labor, foreshadow what awaits communities across California if Trump follows through on his promise to conduct mass deportations.
“It was profiling; it was purely field workers,” said Sara Fuentes, store manager of the local gas station. Fuentes said that at 9am, when the store typically gets a rush of workers on their way to pick oranges, two men in civilian clothes and unmarked Suburbans started detaining people outside the store. “They didn’t stop people with FedEx uniforms, they were stopping people who looked like they worked in the fields.” Fuentes said one customer pulled in just to pump gas, and agents approached him and detained him.
Fuentes has lived in Bakersfield all her life and said she’s never seen anything like it. In one instance, she said a man and woman drove up to the store together, and the man went inside. Border Patrol agents detained the man as he walked out, and then demanded the woman get out of the vehicle. When she refused, another agent parked his vehicle behind the woman, blocking her car. Fuentes said it wasn’t until the local Univision station showed up that Border Patrol agents backed up their car and allowed the woman to leave.
Fuentes said none of the regular farmworkers showed up to buy breakfast on Wednesday morning. “No fieldworkers at all,” she said.
Growers and agricultural leaders in California and across the nation have warned that Trump’s promised mass deportations will disrupt the nation’s food supply, leading to shortages and higher prices. In Kern County this week, just the word of the deportations inspired workers to stay away from the fields.
“People are freaked out; people are worried; people are planning on staying home the next couple of days,” said Antonio De Loera-Brust, director of communication for the United Farm Workers. De Loera-Brust said the Border Patrol detained at least one UFW member in Kern County as they “traveled between home and work.”
‘Return to Sender’
“They were stopping cars at random, asking people for papers. They were going to gas stations and Home Depot where day laborers gather,” De Loera-Brust said. “It’s provoking intense anxiety and a lot of fear in the community.”
U.S. Customs and Border Protection did not respond to a request for comment. On social media, Gregory K. Bovino, the Border Patrol chief in El Centro, called the sweeps “Operation Return to Sender.”
“We are taking it to the bad people and bad things in Bakersfield,” the El Centro Border Patrol said in response to a comment on its Facebook page. “We are planning operations for other locals (sic) such as Fresno and especially Sacramento.”
It’s unclear how many people have been detained by the Border Patrol or how long the operation will last.
“We’re in the middle of our citrus harvesting. This sent shockwaves through the entire community,” said Casey Creamer, president of the industry group California Citrus Mutual, on Thursday. “People aren’t going to work, and kids aren’t going to school. Yesterday about 25% of the workforce, today 75%, didn’t show up.”
He pushed back on the Border Patrol’s claims they’re targeting bad people. He said they appeared to be general sweeps of workers.
“If this is the new normal, this is absolute economic devastation,” said Richard S. Gearhart, an associate professor of economics at Cal State Bakersfield.
In the short term, he predicted farms and dairies could make up the losses, but that homebuilders, restaurants and small businesses would be most hurt financially. But he’s worried about the long term.
“You are talking about a recession-level event if this is the new long-term norm,” he said.
Agriculture comprises about 10% of Kern County’s gross domestic product, and undocumented workers may comprise half of the workforce, he said. And the Central Valley provides about a quarter of the United States’ food.
“So, you WILL see, in the long run, food inflation and food shortages,” he wrote in a text message.
He predicted immigrants, even ones with documents, would stop shopping, going to school and seeking health care.
“So, this could have some serious deleterious long run impacts beyond lost farm productivity. Losses in education and health would be catastrophic,” he said. “Basically, you know how Kern County complains about oil? This event would be analogous to shutting down oil production. Economic catastrophe.”
Sergio Olmos is a reporter for CalMatters, where this article first appeared.
We have no problem with immigrants coming to the US and becoming citizens. We need to exercise a law that allows you 2 years to get your citizenship or else your deported. It’s not fair for the people who have obtained citizenship who did it legally. Now we have so many people here that the great US isn’t so great anymore
This is the truth. I don’t understand why “communities” are so sympathetic to illegal aliens. They can come through the point of entry legally like everyone else. They don’t pay taxes but still get tax benefits? How does that even work??
Get your facts correct before speaking on the subject!
Illegals do pay taxes! In 2022 illegals paid 22 billions in taxes,for medical , purchases, and social security! They don’t benefit from social security ,but yet the government deducts it from their paycheck! Now you got the nerve to talk about illegals, well newsflash you and your family are all illegals because Cali,Texas,Arizona,Nevada etc… all belong to Mexico!
Now ii doubt your willing to go out and work in the fields, let alone make it if you did. I encourage you to do a lil research on illegals ,which includes you and your family..
You should get your facts correct . America became America because we paid our dues we obtained our land through wars and purchases and treaties. It became ours fair and square . Back in the day, violence was often the way to solve the biggest disputes back in the day . Once America obtained California it became America . So this rant of it being part of Mexico is ridiculous because people did not join and assimilate to mexico . People started coming to California in droves only after it was declared to be an American state . The gold rush would have been impossible iif it remained in the hands of Mexicans because America was a “free” country and not controlled by a dictator or a government official . I have no doubt that the government officials of Mexico would have forced the people to hand over the gold . That’s how 3rd world country’s operate and back then was similar to how they operate now. Controlled by cartels . Government corruption. Life happened correctly and America added California and the only people here should be 1) citizens 2) legal immigrants or people here on government visas that are easy to revoke when necessary.
Hell with that, if you came in without permission and did not leave. You are a criminal and should be treated accordingly. There are enough healthy people on welfare to work every farm in this country! STOP GIVING OUT HAND OUTS, and they will work or starve,, either way problem solved!!
Mike, Why can’t someone work here and not be a citizen?
Being a Farmer, this is going to have a huge impact on your food shelves. Mass sweeps on targeted groups of people. If this nonsense plan plays out as proposed. Want to see Somalia in the USA. Take away the people who feed you. Without these hard working people. You have no fresh vegetables or fruits to eat. Sure immigration reform is something we need to work on. But not round up the back bone that feeds us. Start deporting from the Jails and Prisons. Those are your law breakers.
So according to the article 75% of the workers didn’t show up because they fear deportation and you don’t seem to realize that means that 75% are here illegally. Criminals do things illegally. People who do illegal things are criminals.
Hey Mike, how much money are you saving by under paying these criminals who are here illegally?
Criminals don’t work you won’t see one on the fields like we don’t see ant black or guerilla dumb f**k.
A few years ago my grandson had just finished high school and was told by a friend there was work for him picking grapes near Delano. With new boots, clippers and his lunch he showed up to work. He met with the Foreman, who asked him if he spoke Spanish. My grandson answered no and the foreman responded you cannot work here if you do not speak Spanish. I used to work in the fields near Arvin as a teenager. It is work that is not difficult to perform. If you give a US Citizen a chance, you will find some who will be willing to put produce on your table. Of course you would have to be willing to at least pay minimum wage.
It’s not fair for American’s anymore . I don’t want to learn Spanish and I should not have to and it isn’t fair that your family member was turned away because he didn’t speak Spanish .. it’s something that needs to change .
Darlene, What you say is true. The farmworkers make good money. They even have Unions. They don’t want Anglos in their rice bowl.
Stop breaking the laws by hiring illegals. Hire Americans.
Well if this is the case how did you get things done prior to Biden opening up our border. For the person claiming illegals pay taxes which I doubt seriously. For only four years top and I doubt that. Most illegals let over get everything for free healthcare, food stamps, housing. I’m not saying some don’t get taxed at their American jobs but most illegals don’t . Blow smoke up someone else’s ass. I have no problem with illegals becoming Americans but we have to know who is coming here first. To much crime and nobody feels safe anymore. Nobody can get decent healthcare because everyone is full taking care of illegals
I agree with Mike.
If the farm workers have documents to work they don’t need to hide. The ICE agents are looking for the illegals and got aways that came over the border the last four years. They are here illegally. They need to go home.
The author should start with learning how to correctly write an article along with unbiased reporting.
The problem starts at the Top, Big Produce Companies and Independent Farmers are also to blame.
They encourage and reward Farm Labor Contractors to exploit and underpay these illegal workers.
False documents and using other people’s identities.
ICE and BP should audit these Licensed Labor Contractors and go thru their paperwork with a fine tooth comb.
For the offenders
Permanently revoke their license, severe fines, jail sentences, and restitution.
These ill gotten funds go somewhere and consumers are paying the price.
Illegal is illegal and they need to be returned to their country of origin and not dumped over the fence to our south if they are not Mexican.
$10 for a dozen eggs is just ridiculous, bird flu and shortages is just propaganda that we get fed.
If we have all these chickens dying and less eggs then why does every major grocery store keep churning out these damn rotisserie chickens?
Either we are eating these alleged infected birds or if this BS is true then ease up on the hot bbq Yardbirds.
The ignorance in these comments is indicative of how little so many Americans understand immigration and farming economics. For those way in the back: illegals pay taxes and into social security that they will never benefit from. To the tune of $26 BILLION per year. For the person who says farm work is not hard and that there are many Americans willing to do it for minimum wage: You’re ignorant of facts and so far out of touch with reality. Seriously.
Nobody is paying$10/ dozen eggs. Bird flu doesn’t hit every single farm all at once so yeah… there are chickens still alive and well.
Nobody wants illegal immigration, but nobody wants to pay $10/lb for grapes, strawberries, lettuce, etc. I’m guessing it won’t affect the commentors here much as you all probably live off frozen processed foods and wouldn’t know a frikking carrot or cabbage if it was thrown in your face.
Craig, You need to clean your rose colored glasses, you sound like a boomer that one day will restore ole grandads farm truck.
You should not be ashamed and step out of the closet and see the real world.
Illegals steal others SSN to work and acquire credit, they may not be buying a house with a stolen SSN but sure as Fcku they are buying vehicles and using credit cards.
FLC’s steal and exploit from these illegals as a “tax” pay to play and the Farmers and Produce Giants turn a blind eye and have the FLC’s bite the bullet.
Don’t open your yap without having actually witnessed such events, use it for what you’re actually good at.
Craig Craig Craig…nobody is paying $10 for eggs?
I just checked…one dozen rggs
WALLMART $9.49 (store brand)
SaveMart. $10.99 (Vital Farms)
FoodMax $10.99 (Vital Farms)
Albertsons $10.99 (Vital Farms)
(Albertsons does have some eggs on sale ,for $7,99 a dozen)
That you fail to verify the most simple thing kinda puts the kabash on every point.
Try harder. Work smarter. Now go back to mommies basement….play your video games .
Ain’t nobody trying to hear that sob song, they are illegal, thus criminal,, pay Americans a decent wage only affects your profit margin, and paying taxes with the money that was already in our economy is Not investing it’s just putting back what we diverted to you!!
It’s about damn time this State started rounding up all of the illegals that are here. So now you Liberal extremists can stop playing the race card and profiling cop out. I don’t care if they are Mexican illegals, Russian illegals, Irish illegals, Scottish illegals or even deep space illegals. If you were not born here or you did not come here through the proper networks then BYE CYA LATERZ A!! and didn’t come back without your receipts. To the cry baby above me up there☝🏼 stop crying and try growing your food, because if this country continues to follow the path of the libtard extremists then you’re going to have to learn to take care of you and only you. If illegals want to be here so bad then go back the way you came and get the paperwork to make you legal and then it’s all about welcome back and thank you for learning our national anthem and for answering all the questions correctly.. At that point its welcome to America sirs and ma’ams.
Good for American’s. Society has suffered due to the influx of illegals into the country. They aren’t happy to be here they come and take the jobs without assimilation or showing the desire to want to learn our language or support America. It is a sleep in the face to those who have immigrated legally. I can’t even find work in my usual field of work because employers are only hiring bilingual people now and that isn’t fair to me or people like me , who aren’t fluent in Spanish. I want this ridiculousness to stop. Just wait your turn and come in legally. Simple as that .
Lazy , weed addict.
Casey creamer, you are a hypocrite since you voted maga; well deserved!
This is on the shoulders of the Biden Administration. The Biden Aministration is still in office, they are still in charge of the country until January 20th, and they are still planning on causing as much trouble as they can on the way out. This is not Donald Trump’s doing. He hasn’t the authority yet. Donald Trump would start with the criminals, just as he has stated. He does not think that field workers are criminals. But there are criminal elements, drug dealers, people hiding up in hotels that are paid for by the government, that’s who president Trump is going to go after. He has stated this. This is just a power play by Joe Biden, pure and simple. Because he thinks that people are stupid enough to believe it.
We all came from somewhere people.
The plan should be like United Arab Emirates, No more citizenship but long term investments business visa.
Investments visa would allow foreigners to travel back and forth with restrictions like you have to buy a business and benefit the country by participating as an American business, 2nd part No more citizenship married or not, kids or not.
America is waking up too late after everybody sucked their resources and this country became weak.
Take action close the borders who’s in is allowed to stay in and for good
No work permits?
Arresting workers is stupid and counterproductive.
I hate borders, passports, border guards, and this whole “Show me your papers” Gestapo crap.
A: Only American citizens get welfare or any benefits from the state.
B: Only American citizens can vote.
C: If immigrants can make it here with a sponsor or on their own and can support themselves and their families, they are welcome!
In Sonoma County, farmworkers earn an average wage of $26, which is 1.4 times higher than comparable agricultural jobs elsewhere in California. The minimum wage in Sonoma County is currently $16.56 an hour for small employers and $17.60 an hour for larger employers. Farmworkers can also receive a small bonus based on the number of grape boxes they pick12. The median annual income for single, childless farmworkers was $18,750, compared with the overall median annual income for single-person households in the county, $35,5103.