Conjectures, Etceteras
Bodega Head is a prime whale watching spot
The annual migration of gray whales from Alaska to the lagoons
off the Baja peninsula of Mexico is under way and a great vantage
point is the ocean overlook at Bodega Head. Every Saturday and
Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. through May (with the exception of the
Fisherman’s Festival and Easter Sunday), volunteers are at Bodega
Head (weather permitting) to point out the migrating gray whales.
The many whale watch volunteers, organized by Bea Brunn, are
members of the Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods (formerly the
Stewards of Slavianka). The Stewards at Bodega Head will have
displays about whales and answer your questions. If you wish to
volunteer or contribute to the Stewards, call (707) 869-9177 or
write P.O. Box 221, Duncans Mills, CA 95430.
Who’s your choice for Prez?
Representatives from the Dennis Kucinich, Howard Dean and Wesley
Clark Democratic presidential campaigns will present a public forum
on Feb. 10 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Masonic Center, 373 N. Main
St., Sebastopol. They will highlight their candidates’ platforms on
issues of concern to the local community. There will be time for
questions from the audience. A $5-$20 donation is requested at the

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