POLICE FLEET Police cars cleaned, fueled and ready to patrol at Healdsburg Police Department on Center Street. (Photo by Christian Kallen)

Sunday, April 9

6:17am. Disturbance at Healdsburg District Hospital Emergency Room. Reporting Party (RP) is requesting assistance with an unstable patient. Dispatch could hear disruptive words in background. RP believes she will become combative. Officers responded; the patient was sedated.

8:40am. Disturbance at Safeway on Vine St.  RP calling to report a verbal fight between two males. RP heard one male say, “I’ll kill you.” While on the line, RP stated that one male started walking toward the Dollar Tree. Subject described as wearing a backpack and baseball hat (no further description). The other subject is an adult male who is in front of Safeway (no further description). Gone On Arrival/Unable to Locate.

10:05am. Drug activity on Powell Ave. RP calling to get assistance with his son; states his son has been using cannabis frequently and is becoming more and more aggressive. RP is concerned for his own safety because his ex-wife called and stated that their son told her he wants to “just punch his dad really hard in the face.” RP believes it is all drug induced and wants to get his son help. No known weapons or alcohol, not law enforcement (LE) friendly. Officers responded. After making contact with the RP, the RP decided he did not want medical or LE presence because he felt it would make things worse. RP was referred to a licensed marriage and family therapist.

11:39am. Accident with property damage only at Tucker and East streets. Both parties standing by, not blocking. Blue Highlander and White Ford. Parties are exchanging info but want an officer. Assignment complete.

12:16pm. Grand theft at Oakville Grocery on Matheson St. Store employee came, reported a previous shoplifter is back in the store. Employee didn’t have a description other than adult male, 50-60 years. Previous theft was about $500 of wine. Suspect located at El Farolito, and identified by store manager. A 72-year-old man was arrested and booked for grand theft burglary. 

1:01pm. Vandalism on Tucker St. Vandalism report, numerous branches removed from two trees without permission, occurred overnight. Report taken.

4:12pm. Prowler on Grove St. RP believes someone broke into home and is in attic, hears footsteps. No one else should be home/in house. Officers responded and checked home; no intruders.

6:17pm. Disturbance at Taqueria El Sombrero on Center St. Verbal argument between a larger man, bald wearing a white T-shirt, and adult male wearing black with black hair. Officers responded. Verbal disturbance only; main aggressor left the area. 

9:56pm. Disturbance on Grove St. RP’s 17-year-old son is on probation, is irate and throwing chairs in the kitchen. No weapons on person or in home, no alcohol or drugs today. Officers responded and met with RP. She didn’t want any prosecution.

10:39pm. Unwanted subject at John & Zekes on Healdsburg Ave. Male subject trying to fight patrons. White shirt, blue flannel, gray pants, no weapons seen, has been drinking. Walked away south on Healdsburg Ave. Officers unable to locate.

Monday, April 10

12:51am. Drug activity at Dry Creek Inn. Suspicious vehicle led to arrest of a 42-year-old male for possession of drug paraphernalia and a county warrant for misdemeanor shoplifting. 

2:13am. Officer stopped a vehicle at Jerry’s Valero, Dry Creek Rd., for expired registration tabs. A search led to the arrest of a 26-year-old woman for possession of methamphetamines with intent to sell and a Sonoma County warrant for vandalism, and a 35-year-old male for similar crimes. Both arrested and taken to county jail; vehicle towed. 

8:50am. Graffiti reported at Harvest Grove Apartments on W. Grant St. on the wall near the entrance. Red spray paint with blue over it. Officers responded, report taken.

11:37am.  Petty theft on Grant St. Black iPhone in clear case stolen Saturday (04/08/2023) from vehicle that was left unlocked. Location services turned off, attempted to call, phone is dead. Report taken.

11:39am. Vandalism at Russian River Covered RV Storage, Healdsburg Ave. RP was calling to report a cat converter theft and that someone had cut through the fence of the property. Officers Reynoso/Peterson responded, report taken. 

3:08pm. Disturbance at Front St./Healdsburg Ave. RP reporting a woman yelling and screaming; RP believes she needs a jump start. Associated with white Toyota Camry with red hood. 2nd caller reports the same. Description is female adult with black hair in a bun, T-shirt and black leggings. Possibly another person in the car she’s yelling at. Officers contacted female and provided assistance. 

5:29pm. Reckless driver at Shelton’s Natural Food Market on Center St. Report of a vehicle that pulled into parking lot and almost hit a pedestrian. RP stated the driver did not look where she was going, and when the vehicle left the parking lot the driver was driving fast. RP also stated that the driver “seemed off and was yelling at herself.” Vehicle left northbound on Center. Officer responded, unable to locate.

Tuesday, April 11

1:31am. A vehicle was pulled over at the bottom of the Redwood Highway off-ramp for expired registration. A 43-year-old woman was arrested on multiple charges, including possession of a controlled substance, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia, and given a ride to county jail.

9:49am. Verbal or physical disturbance at Alliance Medical Center on University Ave. was reported to the police lobby, having occurred approximately 40 minutes earlier. RP states that the subject was swearing at her and yelling prior to her appointment. The RP was advised to call if it happens again.

10:40am. Vandalism reported at Wicked Slush on Healdsburg Ave. when the business’s well was vandalized the previous evening. RP has an idea who it was, but cannot prove it. 

8:33pm. A 28-year-old female on First Street was arrested on two counts of child endangerment and transported to county jail. 

10:10pm. A disturbance occurred at McDonalds on Healdsburg Ave. RP called to report that there is an adult female yelling in the restaurant lobby. The subject is associated with a white car that has a red hood. When an officer responded, the subject requested a jump for her car.

11:54pm. Officer initiated activity at Healdsburg Ave./Palm Ave., when a vehicle was stopped for excessive speed. A 35-year-old male was cited for driving under the influence and a probation violation. 

Wednesday, April 12

2:17am. Officer stopped a vehicle for no front plate at Dry Creek Road and Highway 101. A 37-year-old woman was cited on a Sonoma County warrant for two counts of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and two counts of associated paraphernalia.

2:37am. Healdsburg Fire (HFD) responded to an alarm at H2Hotel on Healdsburg Ave. and in checking the area found a woman in a secure area in the back of the business. RP believes she accessed the building from an unsecured door and pulled the fire alarm. The subject was in her car, parked near Lo and Behold with all doors open and items strewn about. HFD stopped by Healdsburg Police (HPD) and advised of the situation. RP would like law enforcement to ask the subject not to return to the business. Officers responded, and the 67-year-old woman admitted to pulling the fire alarm and was consequently arrested for making a false report and  transported to county jail. Her vehicle was towed, and a large amount of trash nearby was removed.

10:37am. An injury accident occurred at the roundabout on Healdsburg Ave. Multiple callers reported a vehicle-pedestrian collision when a female on a bike was struck. Officers responded, and Bell’s Ambulance transported the victim to Sutter Hospital. 

12:46pm. Disturbance reported on Center St. when an adult male with a dog got into a verbal altercation; RP was unsure as she was a third party calling from another location. RP stated the male was leaving, walking towards CVS and then disconnected on dispatch. Dispatch called the RP back for further questions, and the RP refused and disconnected again. Officers responded to the area; gone on arrival/unable to locate.

2:46pm. Reckless driver reported at the roundabout on Healdsburg Ave. by a RP who stated on multiple occasions she has viewed a vehicle exhibiting unsafe driving, traveling northbound on Healdsburg Ave. toward and through the roundabout. The vehicle, described as a red Nissan Frontier with an offensive political decal in the center back window, had almost run her off the road, zoomed past other vehicles in “do not pass” areas and exhibited road rage behavior. RP said she has experienced this same vehicle approximately five times between 7:45-7:50am. Negative description of driver, but RP believes it to be a male. RP was advised to call when in progress. 

5:02pm. Vandalism at the front of Maison Wine Bar on Healdsburg Ave. was reported, and the RP believes he knows the subject who did it. A female asked him to get her an Uber yesterday and the RP declined; RP believes this female is the alleged suspect who caused the damage. The subject was described as a woman in her 60s or 70s with shoulder-length gray hair. RP wanted to make HPD aware in case of future issues. 

9:34pm. Public intoxication reported on Tucker St. via CHP transfer. In progress: Someone is trying to open the front door. RP is in the kitchen and home alone. Officers responded. A 60-year-old woman was arrested for public intoxication and transported directly to county jail, and her vehicle was towed. 

Thursday, April 13

8:18am. An accident with property damage occurred at Dry Creek Inn on Dry Creek Rd. RP stated she was in a collision between a white Yukon and a gray Kia; RP doesn’t believe there are any injuries, single child in the white Yukon, no airbags deployed, and the tail end may be in the roadway. Officers Reynoso/Peterson responded, medical requested precautionary (child in vehicle), and Sgt. Patane responded to assist with traffic control. Report taken. 

8:26am. Drug activity reported on Powell Ave. by RP, who stated his son is smoking THC and is making threatening statements to the RP (father) and mother. The RP stated his son is NOT LE (law enforcement) friendly. RP doesn’t believe his son would be physically aggressive, but would be verbally aggressive. RP wants his son evaluated for 5150 (mental health crisis), placed on a hold and out of the residence. Officers and spoke to the 21-year-old son, who did not engage in conversation. No 5150 at this time. RP left residence for the day. 

9:19am. A student at Healdsburg High School on Prince Ave. was in the office for having THC on campus. Officers responded; report taken.

3:13pm. Officer initiated activity at Bamboo Restaurant, Healdsburg Ave., when the officer could smell smoke coming from somewhere inside and could hear an individual yelling. Officers and a therapist responded, and a 53-year-old female was cited and released on a Sonoma County warrant for public intoxication and disturbing the peace. 

4:05pm. Reckless Driver reported at Safeway on Vine St. in the morning between 7:50-7:55am, “a guy in a small burgundy pickup truck” (see April 12, 2:46pm). Driver recklessly cuts people off, “goes flying out Westside Rd.” RP states the driver is going to kill someone. The driver had to be going 90MPH in the fast lane, then cut off people in the slow lane and flew around the roundabout. Truck has big white lettered decal with “– Biden” in the back window. 

4:30pm. Trespassing at Rivers Edge Beach on Healdsburg Ave. RP wanted info on what to do regarding one person in particular who continues to come onto the property. An older male, hard of hearing, associated with a small dog and a bike comes onto the property and has also stolen items from the property. The man makes the RP very uncomfortable with his body language, and she feels he is very verbally aggressive. She was advised to fill out a 602 form (a physician’s report for seniors) and call when he is on the property so HPD can take action. 

8:55pm. A Sheriff’s Office transfer report from an RP who stated a reckless driver was observed swerving and almost hitting numerous vehicles. The suspect vehicle is now stopped at Davis Family Vineyards on Front St. Officers responded, not as reported. 

9:31pm. Disturbance on Powell Ave. (see April 9, 10:05am, and April 13, 8:26am). RP is 3rd party and states his stepson is having a physiological break. RP states there was a physical altercation between the suspect and his biological father. Suspect reported as saying, “Everyone is idiots, there are cameras everywhere, and no one is helping to get the cameras out.” Negative known weapons, negative medication, coming down from cannabis, negative alcohol. Officers responded, determined the individual does not meet 5150 criteria. Advice given, no further assistance needed.

10:27pm. Disturbance on University St. RP states she hears a male voice screaming at someone, unknown what he is screaming. RP did not see the male or the other involved party. Officers responded, nothing seen or heard.

10:41pm. Disturbance at Russian River Trailer Park on Healdsburg Ave. RP states he heard screaming between males and thinks they will fight. The RP disconnected. Dispatch called back and spoke to the RP. RP states he did not see anything and to get officers on scene. The RP disconnected again with dispatch. Officers responded, nothing seen or heard.

Friday, April 14

1:53am. Hit and run accident University St. RP states he is 3rd party and came outside after hearing a bang sound, states he is assisting the victim, who is Spanish-speaking only. The victim left in a second vehicle to attempt to locate the suspect, but RP does not know where the victim went. Officers responded, report taken.

11:47am. Alcohol violation at Victory Apartments on East St. RP stated there is a female drinking bourbon in front of the listed address that is city property. Suspect is described as an adult female wearing a green shirt with a purple shirt under it and a pink shirt under that, black pants, red backpack and associated with a bike. RP stated he spoke with two females who assist with the Victory Apts; they advised they don’t know who the female was. Officers and family therapist responded.

1:45pm. Disturbance reported at Purity Chemical on North St. RP is reporting yelling coming from the west side near the tracks. RP believes it was a transient couple; they are in a tent. RP hears male and female voices only and a dog barking every time the male was talking. RP had no description of the male and female, but the dog is black and white with pointy ears. Officers and family therapist responded and contacted male suspect; the female was gone on arrival. Assignment complete.

Saturday, April 15

10:40am. ATM fraud reported at Community First Credit Union on North St. On 04/13/2023 at approximately 3:39-7:04am, a subject broke the cash dispenser door of the ATM, put in a tool and/or debit card and did a transaction. RP has footage from ATM. This transaction is from a large fraud ring, and this location is one of seven. Report taken. 

10:45am. Officer initiated activity at the former Singletree Café, Healdsburg Ave. Stop for an unregistered vehicle. A 31-year-old male was cited and released for driving with a suspended license and probation violation. 

3:01pm. Accident with property damage only occurred at O’Reilly Auto Parts on Healdsburg Ave. RP stated she was in a collision and the other party is stating it wasn’t their fault. The suspect is still on scene and possibly in the store. No injuries, no airbags, four-day-old baby in vehicle, no need for medical. Suspect did not give a CDL, only insurance card and title, driving a Honda, but the registration states Jaguar. Disposition: Civil Problem.

3:19pm. Unwanted subject at Dry Creek Inn on Dry Creek Rd. RP stated a guest in the room is refusing to leave and has stayed well past check-out time. Another person may be in the room, RP believes a female based off seeing suspect with a female guest prior. House cleaning has attempted to get her to leave, possibly resulting in disruptive behavior. Officer responded; suspect contacted, and she will be clearing the room.

8:57pm. Drunk driver reported at Healdsburg Glen on Grove St./Dry Creek Rd. Reporting a DUI from 101 that almost hit them, took Dry Creek Exit and ran stop sign, then ran light at Grove. Suspect vehicle turned south onto Grove and pulled into the Healdsburg Glen apartments. Silver Honda Odyssey van, adult male driver parked and exited vehicle at apartment complex. Officers responded, unable to locate.

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