Kudos to city electric
Editor: The California Energy Commission just
released data on the progress that city-owned utilities have made
toward achieving the solar energy requirements established in a
2006 state law (SB 1). Through the end of 2010, homeowners and
businesses served by the city had installed 158.5 kilowatts (kW) of
solar electric capacity toward the city goal of 530 kW, meaning
that Healdsburg is 30 percent of the way to the 2016 goal. The
average progress across all publicly owned utilities in California
is only 10 percent. While our solar homeowners and businesses
certainly should be applauded for making such wise investments, the
City and its electric department employees should also be commended
for supporting and facilitating these installations. While some
other cities oppose customer solar systems and erect barriers to
forestall installations, Healdsburg makes it easy and painless, at
least where my system was concerned. So I say “kudos” to our city
electric department and let’s keep moving toward the goal and

Blair Swezey

Vintage Cuts closing
Editor: July 30th will be the last day to get
your hair cut at Vintage Cuts in Healdsburg. We will be closing the
door to begin our next adventure, retirement.
We have had the pleasure of working in this area for many years,
(122 combined to be exact) and will miss you all so much.
Gretchen and Lois will have to hit the ground running since Rose
set the retirement bar pretty high.
Thank you so much for making Vintage Cuts successful and our
experience in Healdsburg memorable.

Rose, Gretchen and Lois

Thanking hospital
Editor: I wish to send my regards to the
personnel at Healdsburg District Hospital. Everyone was so helpful
while my husband was a patient.
Each nurse and aide showed compassion and sincere concern for
his welfare.
We are fortunate to have this wonderful hospital in our

Kathleen Lae

Re-name my store
Editor: I recently purchased the Wine Annex and
renamed it The Serial Grapist.  While my intent was to merely be
clever, the name succeeded in offending quite a few townspeople
which I can assure was not my agenda. To those people, I would like
to offer an apology, and I would also like to announce to everyone
that I am going to have a contestwhereby the people can help give
the store a name they like.  For those who would like to
participate you may submit your names in person at 340 Center
Street or email them to [email protected].
The winner will be determined on Monday, 7/11 and the prize will
be a $100 gift certificate to the store.

Stephen Moore


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