80.9 F
May 11, 2024


The Measure I SMART train question on the March 3 Primary Election ballot is important enough for voters to think for themselves and not be duped by all the slick and colorful mailers and the rest of the $2.3 million vitriolic and bombastic pro and con campaigns, now filling mailboxes and social media feeds.

Gifts for ourselves

What links the outcomes of recent news stories about schoolteacher pay and strikes, SMART train expansion, mental health services, Kincade Fire recovery, expanded fire protection services, future Highway 101 improvements and happier holidays? Would you believe local shopping dollars?

What time is it?

There are two looming events on our calendars that may further confirm the difference between compulsory law and bendable customs.

Are you a citizen?

We rarely quote our president, Donald Trump, but here goes: “I’m proud to be a citizen, you’re proud to be a citizen. The only people that are not proud to be citizens are the ones who are fighting us all the way about the word ‘citizen.’”

News ain’t free

Effective June 3, we will require all our website visitors to log in with their email and password to read the newspaper online. Online-only subscriptions will be $5 a month.

Small businesses, big hearts

The month of May, now almost over, is/was Small Business Month in California and May 5 through 11 was National Small Business Week.

Too liberal to know better?

It’s more than luck that us folks living in Sonoma County have things pretty good.

The First Amendment

Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ...

Donald Lamarion Spence, 1962-2018

He went by a single name, “Spence,” and was equally singular in his focus on community and a very large circle of friends in his adopted hometown of Healdsburg. His full name was Donald Lamarion Spence and he died Dec. 13 after a long fight against lung cancer. He was 56. A large portion of his circle of friends held a candlelight memorial in the city’s Plaza last Friday, Dec. 14.