38.5 F
February 15, 2025

Fire Sparks Renewed Concern about ‘the Narrows’

A narrow stretch of Sunset Drive overlooking Villa Chanticleer, which has been called out by its residents as a potential hazardous location in an emergency, experienced a real-time test last Friday morning when a contractor’s pickup truck suddenly caught fire, sending flames some over 20 feet into the canopy of the wooded neighborhood...

Police Log, Dec. 9-15

Here's one: "3:18pm The Reporting Party (RP) on Hudson Street indicated that a transient was camped on the property and the RP wanted the person to leave. The RP did not want to press charges. An officer responded but was unable to locate the transient. The officer gave the RP advice and forwarded the information to the therapist on staff for possible follow up."

Open Mic: A Weapons Factory in Healdsburg?

Protesters in Healdsburg
"Recently, I was shocked to learn that a General Dynamics factory exists right here in Sonoma County," writes Ian McKee of Santa Rosa. "I expect that for many of my neighbors the existence of this factory will also come as a shock. They might also be surprised to learn that engineers from this factory give presentations to students in STEM classes around the county, which in my opinion represents a chilling normalization of the violence that this factory inflicts on defenseless people around the world..."

Letters to the Editor, Dec. 26

The City Council’s informal decision on Dec. 16 to adopt a five-district, selected mayor format for city government in the redistricting process drew immediate reactions from several community members, who felt the decision was made unnecessarily quickly and short-circuited public discussion of the options. Here are a few of their comments:

Redistricting Gets Started, Council Selects Mitchell as New Mayor

Healdsburg City Council and Abel de Luna, et al
While the role of the mayor in Healdsburg is largely ceremonial—to chair meetings, issue proclamations and be the city’s public face—it is not entirely so. With the imminent elimination of the at-large election of City Council members to accord with the 2002 California Voting Rights Act, the role of the mayor could become much more important...

Open Mic: Is Deportation A Cause for Local Concern?

Marcy Flores
"At Corazón Healdsburg," writes Marcy Floes, "we are deeply concerned about the implications of the recent election and the potential for mass deportations. This is not an abstract issue. It’s deeply personal and acutely affects our neighbors, coworkers, classmates and friends right here in Sonoma County."

Local Eye Doctor With a Global Vision

Eye exam in Nepal
Healdsburg ophthalmologist Dr. Gary Barth has dedicated a significant portion of his life and career to restoring sight to those in dire need, particularly in developing countries. Barth, together with BBH Eye Foundation and partners, has helped restore sight to more than 200,000 individuals in Southeast Asia since 2019.

Police Log, Dec. 2 – 8

Police Station
Residents and others are encouraged to call Police Dispatch as needed at (707) 431-3377, operational 24/7 Monday, Dec. 2 11:24am A vehicle was stopped at Simi Winery on Healdsburg Avenue for violating vehicle registration rules. A 56-year-old (YO) man was cited for possessing false identification, driving...

Killing for a View: Arboricide Alleged

When a dying oak tree branch was removed, the tree worker climbed down from the ladder and asked the owners if they were trying to kill the tree. “He then pointed out drilled holes on the side of the trunk facing our neighbor’s house, originating just over the height of the fence. These holes were overflowing with, according to our tree expert, a form of herbicide intended to poison and ultimately kill the tree.”

Police Log, Nov. 25 – Dec. 1

Healdsburg Police
10:11pm The RP’s vehicle was hit in the parking lot of Safeway on Vine Street and a note was not left. A bystander had a video of the suspect vehicle. An officer responded and took a report.