54.7 F
July 27, 2024

Regional Pizza 
Group Mombo’s
Brings East 
Coast Pizza to

It would be unfair to several Healdsburg restaurants to say “At last, there’s pizza!” just because Mombo’s finally opened up in the Vineyard Plaza, where several previous pizzerias rose and fell over the years. After all, we have Pizzando, La Pizza, Vera, Campo Fino...

Healdsburg’s Campo Fina Will Close

Campo Fina, for 10 years one of Healdsburg’s most popular restaurants, announced on Sept. 12 that they would be closing their business at the end of the month.  In a message signed by owners Ari and Dawnelise Rosen sent to their mailing list and posted...

Oakville Grocery Healdsburg to Close

By Christian Kallen Oakville Grocery Healdsburg, the popular gourmet deli and wine shop at the corner of Matheson and Center streets, announced it would close at the end of the Thanksgiving weekend, on Nov. 26. Also closing will be its Wine Merchant shop, which opened...

Steakhouse Marinating on Plaza Street?

The roof has been razed and the walls have come down on the narrow business space at 113 Plaza St., next door to Duke’s.  Though the applicant, builder and owner won’t answer directly, the restaurant is widely presumed to become a steakhouse; the big Texas...

Art House Theater Planned for Healdsburg

The news that a new movie theater might be coming to Healdsburg swept through town like advance notice on a blockbuster, but it wasn’t supposed to be that way. At a recent private after-hours gathering at Cartograph Winery, a local tasting room, displays of the...

Taking Care of Business

El Farolito, the popular Mexican restaurant at 128 Plaza St., underwent an overnight name change recently to Gallina D’Oro, or the Hen of Gold. The new name partners well with El Gallo Negro, owner Pedro Diaz’s increasingly popular restaurant in Windsor. Hours, menu and...

West Sonoma Coast Wines Get Own AVA

Just seven years after the West Sonoma County Vintners filed their petition, the West Sonoma Coast—where the cold marine air and heavy fog offer distinct advantages for growing wine grape varieties ranging from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay to Syrah—has officially been sanctioned as a...

Diamond Jubilee for Former French Bakery Owners

A simple family gathering at the Dry Creek home of Fred and Lidia Loupy this past weekend marked their 75th wedding anniversary, their Diamond Jubilee. They met through their families in the years after World War II and were married in 1949, at Saints Peter...

Fogbelt Station nears completion at depot

Paul Hawley established Fogbelt Brewery in 2013 after several years in the wine business.
Healdsburg’s very own Depot District will soon have another attraction. And even if it’s several years until SMART comes to town, a new business will open on Hudson Street after many delays. Come July, expect the brews to flow and food to come out...

Your Guide to Coworking

While coworking spaces were certainly around before the pandemic, the number of  professionals working remotely or from home has increased dramatically over the past two and a half years.  This has led to a surge in the popularity of coworking spaces which prior to the...