54.7 F
July 27, 2024

Humanity First: Shop local, with a conscience

The holiday shopping season is here, and the best gift you can give merchants is to shop in Healdsburg.

Remembering: A meditation on Memorial Day

The Memorial Day holiday has become a day with dual and contrasting sets of activities and mindsets. Memorial Day is both a solemn occasion for remembering and honoring our war dead and it is also the “unofficial” beginning of warm weather picnics, outdoor activities and family gatherings.

Snapshot: Stars and Stripes

Hay bales
Even without the Fourth of July fireworks in Healdsburg to celebrate, here’s hoping you dialed in the joy of the season and the reason this holiday is treasured in our 248-year-young country...

This Week in H’burg: Rain and rainbows

This Week in H’burg is a weekly column featuring photos and fun facts from local photographer Pierre Ratté. Each week we’ll feature a new photo from Ratté along with a fact about the subject matter of the photo.

Schraner and King are worth checking out

Outside it was 99 degrees, even in the shade, and way too hot for humans and dogs, too. Inside, with the air conditioning blasting away, Red Door Remedies felt like a cool oasis on the edge of a desert. Opened only since mid-April, the cannabis dispensary on S. Cloverdale Boulevard is still forging its identity, but it already has a wide variety of top-notch marijuana products and a loyal clientele who come from nearby and from distant hills and dales.

Back in the Old Times—Windsor History

The following snippets of history are compiled by volunteers of the Windsor Museum & Historical Society. The museum is open, free to the public, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and by appointment. The museum is located in the historic Hembree House at 9225 Foxwood Drive. Learn more about Windsor history at windsorhistory.org.

Someday We’ll Laugh About This . . . Right? New Decade

In just a few days a brand-new decade will dawn, full of promise and wonder. I was reviewing the last decade and because I still think 2003 was ten years ago, I sort of ended up reviewing two decades, instead. (Clearly math was not one of the skills I mastered in the last 20 years…).

Can’t get here from there

In a reversal of the folksy joke “you can’t get there from here,” local shoppers should take heed that when they drive south to patronize big box stores or click on virtual shopping carts at Amazon.com they are forever exporting dollars that will almost never return. In other words that’s money that “can’t get here from there.”

Main Street

Musical questions

This Week in H’burg: Roses

This Week in H’burg is a weekly column featuring photos and fun facts from local photographer Pierre Ratté. Each week we’ll feature a new photo from Ratté along with a fact about the subject matter of the photo.