54.7 F
July 27, 2024

Keeping the Faith: On seeing the other person’s point of view

In the 1950s, we had Halford E. Luccock writing the back page of “The Christian Century,” a journal of more or less progressive Christian news, scholarship, and opinion that still comes out every week. During Luccock’s time, readers went immediately to the back page to see what he was up to, much like people look through the New Yorker for the cartoons before turning to whatever else might be there.

Midwesterners like our current president: two terms possible

I recently returned from the Midwest, where I talked to a lot of people about politics. It seemed to be on their minds.

Wine Words: The comfort of wine

It is 5 p.m. during a pandemic. On these warm spring evenings, I pour myself a glass of crisp Russian River Valley Sauvignon Blanc and head outside to join my sheltering in place companion, nature. Admiring an outdoor water feature, structured after Andy Goldsworthy’s...

From the library

Summer at the library

From the library

An author and birthday

Country Roads: The comfortable past

Is anybody else confused? My head used to be on straight. The world made sense. Things, as in appliances, telephones, cameras, you-name-it, worked simply and consistently. Now, none of it does.

Main street

Equal annoyance to all

But I Digress . . . In Search Of

Integrity. That’s a tough one. Hard to define, but easy to see in others. And even easier to not see in others … to see not in others … others not to see in. Whatever.

Off the Top of My Head: The paradox of children

Having children is the greatest paradox in life; at least it is in my life. How can something so great cause me such grief and worry?